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Rognidan & V.V.

The best care

The term Nidana means diagnosis. It deals with the knowledge of examination of patient, diagnosis of disease, laboratory investigations for disturbed body mechanisms. It stresses more on practical knowledge which is based on strong theory. Students get hands-on experience of dealing with patients to develop clinical acumen. The department also teaches the experimental clinical pathology in the laboratory. Post graduate students are trained in the advanced methods of scientific research. They are encouraged to take up research projects which are relevant to the modem era. The departmental teaching learning is involved in developing skills for clear understanding of the therapeutic responses, on which an appropriate treatment strategy is visualized.


This department is involved in conducting various laboratory diagnostic investigations, pathological tests for patient’s care as well as research purposes of all the departments. A well-equipped central pathology Laboratory is attached with this Department for that particular purpose.

The department has its own library.

The department has well equipped student practical lab where all essential experimental clinical pathology practical are carried out.

There is Tutorial room for P.G. students with teaching learning facilities.

* Rognídan Department plays major role in terms of laboratory investigations during health camps organized by hospital.

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